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A third of Cameroon’s children younger than five suffer from malnutrition. Hunger and poverty are widespread, and many families cannot afford to send their children to school. School attendance is low, especially among girls, many of whom are forced to enter early marriages as a way to earn the resources needed to feed their families.

Counterpart worked on the USDA Food for Education program in Cameroon since 2008, with our most recent project beginning in 2012 and ending in 2015. We took a multi-sectoral approach, working in partnership with local leaders to improve school attendance and literacy, reduce hunger and strengthen the capacity of local communities to become more self-reliant. The program promoted health and hygiene, community-grown food and parent engagement by delivering daily school meals and “take home” rations, building community gardens, improving school infrastructure and educating communities about the value of education.

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More Nutritious Meals for Children in Cameroon

More Nutritious Meals for Children in Cameroon

Counterpart has a long history of improving nutrition for school-aged children. In Cameroon, widespread drought has meant many children were not receiving the nutrients needed to keep them well-fed and focused in school.
“Our relationship with Counterpart is horizontal. Counterpart has a commitment to rural development, and its staff perfectly understood our philosophy, approach, and work methodology. More than 30,000 families have received training to improve their standard of living, with the direct participation of Counterpart.”
Guatemala Ministry of Agriculture (MAGA)
“We have never seen this multistakeholders’ unity/coordination mechanism ever, which was possible by Shushilan consortium under this project. We thank you… for your support to make us coordinated to respond to citizen needs.”
Sheikh Mohammad Ali
Councilor, Khulna City Corporation, Bangladesh
“We appreciate Counterpart because you are working in silence with impactful results.”
Mohamed Melainine Ould Eyih
Former Minister of Education, Mauritania
“I would never have thought that hyenas and dogs would find themselves [feasting] on the same corpse without experiencing any arguments... But here we are today in discussion with those we feared without complacency and without fear of reprisal.”
Youth representative
“Counterpart... has provided us a greenhouse for tomato production, and now the quality and the quantity of tomatoes have improved and enabled us to sell our produce at a much better price.”
Marcos Ordóñez Andrés
CADER Promoter, Guatemala
“Senegal has something to show for school canteens in its northern part and we essentially owe it to the whole team at Counterpart International.”
El Hadjj Seck
Head of School Canteen Division, Senegal

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